
Login to github android studio not working
Login to github android studio not working

login to github android studio not working

Use Personal Access Token (PAT) (forget username/password).Use SSH (forget https) (E.g., don't use https url for cloning).So hoping for a positive response from my fellow android developers. Shortly I will be publishing an article on MVVM in android, will need contribution in my GitHub account for solving the errors and bugs. There you go this is it about this article, do ask me queries if you have any regarding this, I will be more than happy to reply to the same. Enter all the details asked along with your User Name and Password and your link to repository and start pushing your code from android studio itself.

login to github android studio not working

  • Go to VCS->Import Into Version Control-> Share Project on GitHub.
  • Assuming you guys have GitHub repository our next step is to go ahead and push our code to GitHub repository from Android Studio.
  • Thats Sweet!!, you have just done with setting up the git in your Android studio, now you are free to check-in you code to either BitBucket or GitHub repositories.
  • You will see the path to executables all you need to do is navigate to the path we received after executing $whereis git command and hit test you will get something like this.
  • Go ahead open your android studio via terminal and follow the steps:.
  • You can see the git executables here, now all you need to do is setup this in your android studio.
  • You can navigate to this link via terminal as well, following are the commands.
  • After the installation process is done run command to get the path of your git executable file: $ whereis git.
  • login to github android studio not working

    I failed to take the picture of terminal while git installation, so no picture for that. Let git install properly you will see the complete data on terminal itself.To install git first you need to open the terminal and run few commands: The very next thing to do was to setup the Git in Ubuntu, so we will discuss the same in this article, how can we setup the git repository for android Studio in Ubuntu. You can check out the installation process here : Problem Installing Android studio in Ubuntu 17.10? And first thing that I did after switching to ubuntu was installing Android studio. Hey folks, its been a while playing around with Ubuntu.

    Login to github android studio not working